At St. Augustine’s, Christ is at the centre of all of our thoughts and actions. Collective Worship allows us all – children, staff, parents and parishioners – to come together to know, serve and love God. The children join together at least three times a day to share the morning prayer, lunchtime prayer and end of the day prayer, as well as during whole school liturgies, RE lessons and as a class.
Collective Worship
Collective Worship Timetable
Monday: SLT Gospel Liturgy
Tuesday: Singing Worship with live pianist (Teacher led)
Wednesday: The “Wednesday Word of the Week” Liturgy, led by one of our Chaplains Frances, Luke, Issy or a teacher.
Thursday: Class Worship, supported by Year 6 Chaplaincy Team
Friday: Celebration Assembly
Children have the opportunity to participate, take ownership of their learning and develop their own relationship with God. Teachers aim to give children a real voce in planning and leading worship. It is important that we all look to children as having an important role to play in leading our faith communities; Christ himself said, “Let the little children come to me.” (Matthew 19:4), welcoming them as models of faith – and so should we